Monday, April 20, 2009

This is a killer cold...

but somehow, I managed to get a shepherd's pie assembled yesterday. It was pretty good...I think! The power of leftovers never ceases to amaze me. I had the gravy (made with a bit of flour and chicken broth...not my delight...with a teaspoon of beef bouillion powder, it was instantly "beefy") left over from the chicken dinner - ditto the peas, carrots and mashed potatoes. All I had to do, was to whip the egg and cream cheese into the potatoes for the topping, and cook up the ground bison. I was able to do that right after breakfast, while I still had the ambition, and at five o'clock, I was reallyl glad I had done it! There was absolutely no effort involved on my part. Hubby put the casserole into the oven and made a salad, so after just half hour in the oven, and dinner was not only "on the table" but one step further... my lap in my recliner! Tonight, rather than following 'the plan', we will just have a repeat performance. I am not sure what the calorie count was, nor do I care. I had a modest portion with a large salad, so the balance was as it should be. My focus over the last couple of days has been to maintain an upright position, if even for half an hour at a time. On that happy note? I am now going back to bed!

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