are the really bad "before" pictures of the writer. I have been looking for a full body shot of me, you know, the definitive 'horrible shot' that eventually will make you look absolutely fabulous as a smaller version of yourself, completely attributed to the weight loss, of course! (the multiple trips to the hairdresser, and consultations with a personal stylist are never mentioned in the credits are they?) If there is one thing I have become adept at over the years, is holding small children, standing in front of chairs, and if at all possible, disappearing to the bathroom when I see a camera! The correlation between fat and stupid has never been scientifically proven, and we have all pulled moves to avoid cameras that Houdini would like to have thought of first! I am so much happier maintaining the mindset that I am really eighteen 'til I die (complete with body image) just like Bryan Adams. I do have a few 'group shots with explanation' ....why, yes, there I am, in the back row, with my neck stretched so you can't see all of my chins at once...no, not there, that is a bit of my lunch...right there, seeee????
So with this explanation, I offer this picture of me,
holding a glass of Guinness in an Irish Pub. Pie-eyed, post-menopausal me. I am not sure I want to introduce myself to the universe as a stout (no pun intended) swilling fifty-something year old, but hey, I have been called worse! I will continue my search for the ultimate digital insult but until then, howdy do, universe!

Just randomly browsing some blogs of others on the WW boards. :)
I'm in the same boat with trying to find a start photo to use. Almost all of my photos are in groups, or only show a part of me. So frustrating!
So glad you stopped by, Nutkin!
On further thought, I could make a collage of the various body parts that are visible in photos I have to make a 'Herman Munster' type image.....
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