our wheels all weekend and have been traveling miles! We have been running ever since our feet hit the ground on Saturday morning. It reminds me of every weekend back when the boy was still at home! We went to the new Eddie Murphy movie last night...not worth the ten dollars but it was fun to be out. And tonight, we took in ``Battle of the Bands`` at the Garrick. Our dear Mark`s band opened, and were just excellent. There were two original songs played that were really, really good.
I am a little biased, but my ears sure are not! It drives me nuts to hear off notes and talentless musicians . The ``Octopi`` rocked the house, for sure. I can't tell you how proud we were of them! Then, off to Swiss Chalet for dinner. Two old people on a rampage, for sure!
Notes from my wardrobe:
I have managed to test drive two pairs of my new shoes this week. The brown ones on Thursday, and today, I chose to wear the gold
"Transvestite" shoes...you may remember them from a previous post. Platform, high heel, gold metallic.

Add that to the fact that they are a size eleven, and if you saw them on a shelf in the store, your first reaction would be exactly what mine was, and hence the moniker for this very distinctive pair of shoes! They weren't the most comfortable things in the world, but for "sitting shoes" they worked out just fine! And since my dress was plain deep purple, and the scarf had all sorts of rich colours in it with a gold metallic thread, they didn't look out of place at all on a Sunday afternoon at all!
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