The author's premise was this. Money facilitates life. In order to live, you need to prioritize. If something is important to you? You need to put it high on the list. If you can not live without orchids, they are become a necessity for you. You need to find a way to live life the way you want to live it...if your best friend or mother-in-law doesn't approve? So what? Of course, it is a given that you look after yourself, and not depend on others to foot the bill for you! That is just plain rude! LOL The author made her point by giving the examples of several women of her acquaintance that had major changes in their finances, and told how they reacted to their new financial circumstances. I came away with the knowledge that money can not buy you happiness, but it certainly can go a long way to avoid abject misery! If we live within our means, no matter what they may be, we are definitely going to be happier than if we are trying to keep up with the Jones!
So, with income tax almost done (I am still waiting for some slips) and the figures tallied for the month, I am feeling quit satisfied with myself. The only thing that remains for me to do before the man returns, is to go through this house and give it a good once over. We will be home for a week, before heading for points west, so there will have time to install the new kitchen taps purchased in Minneapolis - and perhaps we might even find time to make a few summery changes to the living room. I was thinking that it would be nice to buy some new drapes and pillow covers, to lighten it up for the summer months. There is something so crisp and fresh about white cotton, and I think that is the route I would go. Maybe a nice crisp print on a couple of cushions, to brighten things up a bit. I had to increase our "household" amount, so there should be enough this month to see to the few things that I would need to buy. I mean really, how much can a pair of panels cost? Famous last words, right?
On a happy note, the man installed a new hotel style towel rack in the main washroom, obliging me to get rid of the heterogeneous mixture of whatnots that are living under the sink. Now that the extra towels have found a new home on the rack, the elastic waist band theory comes into play in the undersink cabinet. (Things always expand to fill the available space.)
My wardrobe is in desperate need of a good purge, AGAIN. I am beginning to think that I really don't do this well enough....I repeat, repeat, repeat and never seem to get DONE. Dusting, laundry, cooking, closet purging...are you ever done? But now that SPRING is upon us, it is time to attack with renewed energy. It is so nice to open a window and let the fresh air in...allergens and all...while giving a room a deep clean. We have special guests coming at the end of the month, so I need to swing into action and get the guest room spruced up and ready for them! Might even find time to shorten the dust ruffle that is a tad too long.. Finding a bit of drawer space and some hanging space is within the realm of possibility, now that we have purged so many articles of clothing. Now isn't that a happy thought to end my ramblings this evening?
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