So, now. What I have been doing with myself. General feeling of malais is finally coming to an end, and I have regained the will to live. I hate it when they mess with my meds...I was so useless for the last couple of months, that I actually didn't attempt to clean the closet once! Now though, I am back on track with the old pills, and the two months of my life were wasted for what? Ah well. I found out the other pills just didn't work either!
Today is the beginning of a brand new month. There have been a few happy changes. We have engaged a housekeeping company, that provide two maids for two hours twice a month. I find there are a few things that I can not do, and Rick is too tired to do, so it is best to get the two to do! Light fixtures, blinds, that sort of thing. Last Wednesday was the first visit, and these little women were all over the neglected bits of the kitchen. I thought I had been doing well keeping up, but they found every one of my dirty little secrets! Things lurking on the kickplate, and cooking goo up on the trim on top of the cupboards...all the sheets of waxed paper have been replaced on the top of the cupboards, and the trim scrubbed. A major accomplishment for me, since for some reason, climbing on counter tops to scrub has never been one of my long suits. Behind the stove, the wall sparkles. I think this is going to work out very well! This coming visit, we will focus on the living and dining room...that will include the front door threshold as well, something that has been bugging me of late!
All in good time...within a few visits, things should be back to normal. I am working in tandem throughout the weeks between visits, and have things like curtains and rugs to prepare for the cleaning day's finale.
This getting old really bites! It would be so much easier to do things myself, but where the heart is willing the body is weak.
I have made menu plans for the next three weeks. There are some gaps, but the most important week is done. The kids are coming down mid July, and I want to have the majority of preparation done so there will be lots of play time with the little one. Make ahead salads, and things roasted in the oven will take care of the majority of meals. Easy prep, and easy clean up is the order of the day. I am quite pleased with this particular week, because it includes treats!
Want a peek?
Wednesday 11
(Housekeeper’s Visit)
Dinner for one: Veggie Tray and Dip
(The sad secret is, that I will just be lazy and munch the same thing for all meals through the day, maybe adding a cheese sandwich if I get the urge for something more solid!)
(things made the week before: date squares, peanut butter chocolate chews)
Thursday 12
Peter, Glenda & Giselle Arrive
Chocolate cake with whipped cream frosting
Red Wine Oven Roasted Beef & Vegetables
(*makes enough meat for lunch on Friday)
Friday 13
Baked Chicken with
Julia's rice salad
Cole Slaw
(Make Deviled Eggs for Pete)
*roast beef for lunch on Saturday
Saturday 14
Salmon Steaks
& Tabouleh
Yogurt cucumber sauce
for Lunch on Sunday
Sunday 15
Home Made Pizza
Tossed Salad
Monday 16
All on our own, again.....sniff....
Leftover Salads
Tuesday 17
The menu for the days between now and then is still up in the air. I imagine it will be much the same as every other week. Simple, simple, simple.
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