of little footsteps, which just makes our snoring that much louder! It was such a joy to have all the members of my little family under one roof!
We had a light supper tonight, and fell into our recliners. Napping on and off through the Monday night line up of mundane TV shows and catching a giggle or two from the sit coms before falling into a stupor! Tomorrow is another day, and I can catch up on a little housework then. 'Dust can wait, children can't' is my motto. NOW, that is. When I had our son at home, I always seemed to be rushing to do something or the other, and how I regret wasting that time now. It is not going to be repeated with our little Gelly Belle!
I have the guest room sheets in the washer, and the toys picked up in the family room. The cushions are lined up on the couches precisely, and everything is back in place. The house has reverted to it's usual peacefulness. How boring! I will miss having a naked giggling toddler streak through the hall from the bath while I sit at the dining room table in the morning sipping my coffee! I will miss having her dust our big coffee table with her bottom swathed in fleece pajamas while she played! But what a lovely gift of time we have all shared at the beginning of this nice new year. I greedily hope there will be many more to come. For now? I am content. I love and am loved. What more can a woman ask for? Rhetorical question. We all want better looks and more money! LOL
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