how many points are in these babies! I do know they are delicious warm from the oven....mmmm good! I made a Kinnikinnick bread and bun mix, added some mixed peel, and the rest is culinary history....
Spurred on by my success with tea cakes, I produced banana muffins
I am far too full to sample them yet, but I am impressed just by looking at them! It has been so long since I got busy in the kitchen! It feels very good, I must say. This gluten free thing is a bit more time consuming, but when you consider how much time I save by NOT being sick, it is a very small investment for a very big reward.
The next item on the agenda is my closet. Yes, again. I still have far too many things. When you go to get dressed, and try on, and try on, and try on? It is time to ditch the things that you tried on and that didn't work. Trouble is, that when you find new things that really fit nicely? It is hard to make do with the clothes that now feel sloppy. And sad to say? Some of the new things that I bought, I did get one size too large. I do not like to see fat stuffed into tight casings, but too sloppy isn't a good thing either. So, back to work I go. This time, I am going to try on, evaluate and dispose of things by category. It might be easier to do if I set the goal of weeding out one section at a time. It is pretty lame when you clean out your closet, and then shop until you don't have an empty hanger in the house! Does everyone have this trouble, or is it just me? I can't seem to ever get rid of enough stuff to have breathing room in the closet! And I just did this before we went to the states...ahhhhh. That was the problem. I started shopping like a fiend! LOL
Yesterday my dear daughter-in-law and I went shopping. That translated into SHE went shopping in peace, and I had the privilege of playing with baby in the shopping center play area. It was so neat! Little slides,a bridge, a little soft train, and a super spongy floor so the little ones wouldn't hurt themselves. Lots of places to climb and crawl through. She is such a dear baby, and was happy as a lark just playing with the other little ones! Her greatest joy was walking up and down the soft stairs unassisted - she rewarded herself each time with a robust round of hand clapping! Lord help us all when she is potty training, because our hands will be raw from clapping! This kid can really pound back the liquids! LOL Anyway, this ol' Gramma sure got a workout playing with her yesterday. I am surprised that I am not sore this morning...I was sure tired last night, though! I have lots to do at home for supper, laundry and a general tidy up of the house. Ah, life is grand at Casa del Phillips!
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