Tuesday, June 30, 2009


And all is more than well. It has been exactly one week since I started the gluten free diet. I can not begin to tell you how much better life is! Yesterday, we had corn on the cob and steak for supper. Sesame Snaps for dessert. Could life get better than that?

We had a very busy day yesterday. Up at the crack of dawn, doctors appointment, car breakdown, Costco shopping, visiting...then finally? Home to supper at nine! After a good night's sleep, I am ready to do it over again. The difference in my energy level is astounding, and I am determined to stand my ground to never touch a crumb of gluten again...although my sister assures me that in about three months I will think I can have "just a little" and make myself sicker than a dog! She is likely right, so I will just shut up now!

The menu for today:

Breakfast: two eggs, two slices of gluten free (GF) bread, milk

Lunch: Spinach salad with mushrooms and creamy cucumber dressing, sliced turkey

Snack: Cherries

Supper: baked cod loin for me (battered for Rick)potatoes mashed with whipping cream (fewer calories than butter and soooo silky)steamed broccoli, cauliflower and carrot medley

Snack: I like to surprise myself! I will let you know tomorrow what tasty morsel I indulged in!

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