Bison meatballs for supper...they are simmering away as I speak. The little darlings come in at about 50 calories for each with sauce (the standard ketchup, brown sugar, vinegar, onion, water combo)...you sure can't beat that one! I made the sauce with Splenda brown sugar and dehydrated onion flakes..what an easy way to go. It will be interesting to see if there is a noticeable change in the flavour. But the good news is, that with a simple (as in I haven't hit the grocery store so there isn't a lot in the frig) tossed salad, and some Basmati rice, supper is a fait accompli!
With hubby on the road, I find myself waiting until I could lick the paint off the wall before I will enter the kitchen...when I do? It is not to make the healthy meal I should. Last night, it was a chicken sandwich at seven and a bowl of Cheerios and milk at three in the morning. Not a good thing. But it was easy. And in my defence, it was real chicken, left over from the other night. I am beginning to really appreciate leftovers, and actually plan to have them now. A lot better than reinventing the wheel every time, that is for sure.
So, today will be an easy supper, on the table at five. The bean soup from yesterday is cooling down, right here at my desk..another thing I do when I am left to my own devices, is to eat here with "company".

I really hate the bacon in it, though. The yucky little blobs may give the soup its body, but ick. Slimy little beggars. Next time, I will remove it immediately after sweating the goodness into the vegetables. It can be recycled in a number of ways, although how do you account for the calories in it? I think the best way would be to just cook it in whole slices and then remove it, and count the slices as you use them. Yep. That is the way to go. And of course, adding a few calories to the soup pot isn't an issue, as it will be stretched over the ten servings. Even talking about it is making me hungry, so I guess I am in for an early lunch today!