Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Simple home, fancy toes....

Has become my new motto. I had a pedicure just before we left, and two manicures in the last ten before leaving, and one on board with Rick, in a spa pamper mission! We also had a couples massage which was interesting to say the least. As one of the activities offered to amuse us, it seemed a lot more pleasant that baking out in the sun! On that note, I managed to get a little colour without a tragic burn. After a few days, I actually bared my back to the sun, and got a wee bit of "too pink" on my "bear hump", but nothing painful or damaging. ITS A MIRACLE!!!

All in all, it was a wonderful experience to live like the rich and famous for a week. Every need was catered to, even before we knew we needed something it was being offered. 24 hour a day room service, and I am sure that the staff outnumbered the 280 people on board the yacht. The suite we had was very spacious, and if it is possible to have too much storage space, well they achieved that! We each had our own bathroom, and there were two closets, two desks with chairs and mirror, and eight drawers each, not to mention cubbies by the bed, and sofa, that remained empty. There were even two televisions, two upholstered chairs and a couch...but here is the amazing part. There was actually room to store all of our baggage! If only home designers would study the techniques of ship builders, we would never have problems with clutter.

I did wear every single thing that I took with me, although it was not as hot as I had feared. There was always a breeze, so you didn't bake like you do on the prairies. As for getting motion sickness, Gravol was a daily experience as even the captain said he had never seen such rough seas at this time of year. That made me mellow to the point of dozy, but the rocking was so pleasant while we were falling asleep, that we really didn't mind if we had to stagger a bit while we were walking! Quite a few people were not as fortunate, as they relied on a bracelet of some sort and a "patch". Good old Gravol didn't let me down, so one more time, real drugs won! LOL

One day I did indulge in seven naps, and if it hadn't been for the air travel home, I am sure I would have come home well rested and glowing. The glow turned into a slow burn, thanks to Air Canada's wonderful baggage handlers that destroyed my new large "Barney" purple suitcase!

I have come to the conclusion that keeping on program is easier if you are a millionaire, because dining in a five star restaurant every night, and being able to specify exactly what you want and when? Well, that is just too easy! I managed to show a gain of only two pounds on my return, which I am hoping is mainly travel "swelling". I just took pictures of my toes, and yep. There is definitely swelling there! Last year it was ten pounds, so I am hoping that this year there was actually a bit of a loss. I am so stuck at this level. I am sticking to the program, and nothing, and I mean nothing is shifting. Grrrrr. But I am determined to stay the course, because this is a healthy way to eat, even if the scale is not cooperating. Sigh. Back to the ashes, Cinderella!

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