Sunday, March 2, 2008

6 of the 10 lbs are gone!

As of this morning. I am so was a bit daunting to step on the scale the first morning home, and to find that I had gained a whopping ten pounds. But, with two days travelling in the car, salty restaurant food, and the odd treat here and there? How can you help it? I am sooooo glad at least this much is gone. Hopefully tomorrow will show more good news. But I sure am behind in the poundage lost column. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day.

As for today? I made cod fish with a cream sauce (I used 1 T flour, 1 cup of chicken broth, and 1/2 cup of milk) in the oven, salad and wild rice pilaf for supper....all very much within points. I have 5.5 points to consume for a snack, so it looks like tonight will be tea and toast! Whooo hoo! That is a real treat! I love the thin sliced bread from Safeway that is only 90 calories for two slices. Crispy, nummy goodness.

We are catching up on our "company"...tonight we had one set, and tomorrow another. Then Rick is off on a trip for two days, leaving me to my own devices. I have a lot to do...from laundry to sewing to cleaning....I hope to get the food in for the week tomorrow, as the weather is milder, and it will be so much more pleasant to run the roads.

The other day, Rick brought home a menu planning pad from the dollar store. I plan on writing down the menus, and then, at the end of the week, on the computer, I will put together the menu and the grocery list for "next time". I need to find a snappy binder to keep the pages in.....all this of course, is not my idea, but from "Fixing Dinner", a show on the Food channel that offers remedial food preparation for families that apparently don't have time to eat together. Our problem, is that we have entirely too much time to eat together!

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