The house is cluttered with the 'shopping debris' from our little holiday! There is stuff everywhere, it seems, and what I seem to be doing, is wandering from room to room, holding up the swatch of material for my new sofa and chairs, stepping over boxes and bags in the process! It is a quirk, I know, that I have to do this. The colours have to "jive" or they scream at, I don't talk to little grey men in space suits, but I do need my colours to harmonize! So, I am content knowing that the lamp in the office coordinates with the sofa in the living room, and that the picture in my bathroom is the right green. Never know when you may want to shake things up and move them around! LOL The delivery date is set for November 18, and I am excited! It has been ages since we bought something new, and I am looking forward to sprucing up the joint! Wonder how many activity points you can get for decorating? This index finger of mine gets a real work out....
While we were away, I tried my best to stay on program, but you sure can't control the salt. I have "travel bloat"! Also, eating all those low fat chips with the tons of salt wasn't a good thing. So, I am sticking to my guns, and hoping that there will be a shift in my weight over the next few days to what it should be.....sigh. Here we go again.
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