Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Another day...

Already the sadness is creeping up on me...we are leaving on Friday, and once again the time has been far too short.

I have managed to keep within points every day. I won't be able to weigh in tomorrow, but hopefully there will be a bit of a shift when I get back to my own scale! My dear dil is a good cook, and it is a pleasure to work side by side in her tidy little kitchen. We work as a team, my dear dil and I. They say that two women can't share a kitchen, but I am so glad that is not the case with us! What we really share, are our feelings, stories, hopes and dreams.... something tasty out of the oven and on the dining table at five o'clock is a bonus!


Anonymous said...

awww...sounds like you have such a great time together! i love reading your blog!

hey, we never chatted about having coffee before you leave. you have to come over and see my new office...live and in person!

call me when you wakey up!



p.s. keep up the good work-you are an inspiration to moi!

Unknown said...

What a treat to have comments! You mean somebody other than me reads this thing?