It has been a long time since I have written a word, but now with health issues starting to come under some semblance of control, I hope to start up again! I finally had enough energy to figure out how to log on to blog, truth be told! So now, what shall we talk about?
News? I have rejoined Weight Watchers. Hope springs eternal. There really is something to be said for the program....what exactly, I am not sure. The PointsPlus program keeps me eating regularly, and lot of the right things, so it does seem to work. I have tracked every calorie since I left WW online, but to no avail. It isn't about the calories, it would seem. I am doing the tracker method rather than the Smart Start thing...more reassuring to see the numbers on a page. And, it does seem to be working. I have lost about seven pounds since I restarted, so every little bit helps. And I do like the variety and quantity in this program. It is all good until I lose interest in making so many meals in a day. Lazy to the bone, I am!
Another subject dear to my heart is frugality. We are practicing for retirement, so I am keeping a close watch on the pennies these days.Any tips or tricks you have to add, would be greatly appreciated!
On other frontiers, we have our flowers in for the summer....although we were outside in the bitter winds doing it last weekend. Well, the man was doing it...I cheered from the warm side of the patio door! This year we have some herbs and some tomatoes as well as the usual flowers. I am hopeful that they will not take too long to fill out, since I know that winter is just mere months away!I am determined to enjoy our yard this year!