and expects you to seal them up again? So much easier to eat them and be done with it. My biggest mistake. I have been sick all day. I do not understand how people could eat like that on a regular basis. I always pay for my sins, it seems. I hadn't eaten a lot yesterday, and after eating one after supper, thought, hmmmm what the heck, may as well keep the rest from going stale. NEVER will I do that again. Cookies are best consumed by 2's. One to taste, and one to enjoy! I have been feeling queasy ever since. I am not good with sweets, and really should know better. But I don't! LOL
So, today, I managed to get a little housework done, and bit of grocery shopping. Having eaten the new Schneider's Naturals hot dogs last week, and watching dear granddaughter consume them with gusto, I bought a pack to have while she is here. I must admit that no matter how complicated I get with my menu plans sometimes, I do prefer simple meals best of all. Jazzing up tinned beans with various ingredients, and baking them till they are a deep brown, could fool Julia Child, I am sure. But who really cares if it didn't? As the song says "After you've been eatin' steak for awhile? Beans, beans taste fine!"
Friday, December 16, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Getting ready to start the fiscal new year...
So far, I have transferred a lot of information to the new Polestar calendar. This will be the third year I have bought this style of calendar, and each year, I find better ways to use it! Keeping it simple seems to work for me these days. I love everything about this calendar, from the pocket in the back to the useful pages for information. Check it out if you are tired of trying calendars that just don't work! Here is a shot of the weekly pages. Lots of room for meal planning, budget reminders, appointments.
And here is a shot of the family profile section, which will go the distance where my memory gets sore feet and sits down to rest!
The family profiles will be filled out by the end of the year, since I will have a captive audience while they are here. And I do think family and friends are tired of receiving the same gifts again and again, because I forgot what I bought them before!
There is also a monthly calendar, that I find invaluable for a "long shot" of the month. I like to know where I will be at any given time, even if I do wake up in strange hotels not knowing exactly which city I may be in! I have a tendency is to make things far too complicated, so this year, I am going to use this calendar to consolidate our information into one space. That being said, I also downloaded a program to keep track of our finances more effectively. It isn't that we have zillions of dollars to keep track of, but if you keep track of the pennies, the dollars look after themselves.
This whole paper game should be done before the new year starts! I do love playing in my office though, and looking for more efficient ways of recording things can sometimes take several days of online research and general sitting at my desk. I am getting papers organized for income tax, and plan on shredding a good deal of the bills, etc. that I have a tendency to collect. Why, I save them in the first place, |I will never know. I think the habit comes from back in the day when records were not so easily accessible online. Since we are living in 2011 going on into 2012, I do think it is time to declutter the papers that have attached themselves to me over the years, and start 2012 off lighter than ever. I will still keep the receipts for the furniture we bought in the seventies, though. It has been my habit over the past years to shred through New Years day...literally, but this year, with the kiddo being here, I doubt that I will be hard up for excitement on that day, so better get at it now!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Getting ready for our little visitor....
Over the past few days, and as many visits to the dollar stores, I am finding things to fill a "busy box" for our little guest. We always had a busy box at home...a simple shoe box that my mother tossed odds and ends into, that could easily be transformed into something wonderful with our imaginations, a scrap of fabric, a piece of string and a bit of glue! Now, for our dear granddaughter, we have sticky foam sparkly princess things, and foam sheets on which to glue them. There are pom poms, double sided sticky tape, school glue and googly eyes. Glitter is a bit too messy for a three year old, but I was really tempted! Common sense won out, so I settled for a box of Princess sparkly stickers that will thrill her to no end! I will wander around the house when cleaning this week, with an eye to adding to the odds and sods that will round out the box. I know I have some buttons and ribbons around here someplace!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
New Shoes and Other Semi-Painful Experiences
Yep. Wore a pair of new shoes out today. They were so cute, but I must admit there will be a bit of a break in period with them. The big toe nail on my right foot has a bit of a pressure "memory" even as we speak! New clothes are nice, but you just never know how an item will perform until you actually wear it.
Take, for example, last week, when I wore my lovely new velvet top. During our nice lunch, I had to keep an eye on the empire seaming, so it wouldn't strike back....up the way it came on! I looked down and there it was, all bunched up on TOP of my boobs! Not a good look.
You can't really see the under bust seaming but it is there. It is a combination of the slippery fabric backing, and my boobs being just a little, shall we say, lower than they should be? (Okay, downright droopy. After sixty one years on the planet, every body part is travelling south. I can accept that fact. Too bad this tunic can't!) Necessity being the mother of invention, I am thinking of fashioning some sort of ribbon tabs to the seams and then tacking the ribbons to my bra. That ought to hold the top in place! Someone should invent a product like that gooey stuff they stick samples into magazines with, to use on garments. Until they do, I will have to make do with little gold pins and bits of ribbon. Life is never simple, is it?
Take, for example, last week, when I wore my lovely new velvet top. During our nice lunch, I had to keep an eye on the empire seaming, so it wouldn't strike back....up the way it came on! I looked down and there it was, all bunched up on TOP of my boobs! Not a good look.
Friday, December 2, 2011
My Little Black Book
Time to break out the new calendar, add the trip dates and appointments that I have for the first few months, make a budget for the coming new year, so basically, I spent a day in the office, tossing, planning, reflecting.
Yesterday, I went wild and had lunch out. We went to Kelsey's and I had the usual...a baked potato and shrimp skewers. I love restaurants that will let you order sides without the main meal! I don't know what got into me today though...I started out on carbs, and just couldn't leave them alone. There was one lonely little potato in the basket, so it ended up as breakfast fries. When you are by yourself, who's gonna know? Lunch was a salami sandwich - as the years go by, I resemble Dagwood in my sandwich skills. Love to add cucumber and lettuce to just about any protein that I can find in the frig! Supper was shameful. Two bags of Cheetos (170 calories a bag, but NO nutrition!) and a Fresca. Yep. I didn't do too well today! Ah well. The man will be home tonight, and then I will be back on track.
There were a ton of errands I had to do today, but the wind was whistling again, and I just did not want to venture out. We are back on the road again, for a week, so the cupboard is purposely bare. Meal planning is really working out well because I haven't had to throw out a single thing since I got back on the wagon. Hmmmm. That is what I forgot to do today! I guess in the back of my mind it isn't necessary to do until we come home. All those hours in the car will give me lots of time to think!
I have reverted to carrying a little notebook with me EVERYWHERE. Just a simple little black book that contains everything from appointments, to wardrobe lists, window dimensions, budgets and spending records.
I kept track of our budget for years with Quicken, but since my computer crashes, I just didn't bother anymore, prefering to go from day to day, knowing we were on track, but not really having a hard record. It is mainly out of curiosity that I keep track. These days? I really don't have a clue anymore what we spend on clothing or any other household category. Generally, I guess, there is a figure floating around behind my eyes, but with the need for things like new clothing coming so regularly now, I think it would be interesting to really figure out how much we need for those expenses. We have always operated on the 'squeaky hinge gets the oil' principle. Whoever needed it the most, got it first! At this stage of life, though, we don't seem to need much, and there isn't a wait to fulfil a need! It kept me busy to keep up with my clothing needs due to weight loss, but now, the man has me back on that hamster wheel more often. He seems to grow out of his wardrobe faster than I can shop for replacements! I think he will level out soon, as his appetite is coming back, so soon it will once again be all about me!
Yesterday, I went wild and had lunch out. We went to Kelsey's and I had the usual...a baked potato and shrimp skewers. I love restaurants that will let you order sides without the main meal! I don't know what got into me today though...I started out on carbs, and just couldn't leave them alone. There was one lonely little potato in the basket, so it ended up as breakfast fries. When you are by yourself, who's gonna know? Lunch was a salami sandwich - as the years go by, I resemble Dagwood in my sandwich skills. Love to add cucumber and lettuce to just about any protein that I can find in the frig! Supper was shameful. Two bags of Cheetos (170 calories a bag, but NO nutrition!) and a Fresca. Yep. I didn't do too well today! Ah well. The man will be home tonight, and then I will be back on track.
There were a ton of errands I had to do today, but the wind was whistling again, and I just did not want to venture out. We are back on the road again, for a week, so the cupboard is purposely bare. Meal planning is really working out well because I haven't had to throw out a single thing since I got back on the wagon. Hmmmm. That is what I forgot to do today! I guess in the back of my mind it isn't necessary to do until we come home. All those hours in the car will give me lots of time to think!
I have reverted to carrying a little notebook with me EVERYWHERE. Just a simple little black book that contains everything from appointments, to wardrobe lists, window dimensions, budgets and spending records.
I kept track of our budget for years with Quicken, but since my computer crashes, I just didn't bother anymore, prefering to go from day to day, knowing we were on track, but not really having a hard record. It is mainly out of curiosity that I keep track. These days? I really don't have a clue anymore what we spend on clothing or any other household category. Generally, I guess, there is a figure floating around behind my eyes, but with the need for things like new clothing coming so regularly now, I think it would be interesting to really figure out how much we need for those expenses. We have always operated on the 'squeaky hinge gets the oil' principle. Whoever needed it the most, got it first! At this stage of life, though, we don't seem to need much, and there isn't a wait to fulfil a need! It kept me busy to keep up with my clothing needs due to weight loss, but now, the man has me back on that hamster wheel more often. He seems to grow out of his wardrobe faster than I can shop for replacements! I think he will level out soon, as his appetite is coming back, so soon it will once again be all about me!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
I gave it a valiant effort....BUT
I am inclined to believe that containing all of one's toiletries to a single container is absolutely impossible.
I spent the better part of this morning sifting, sorting, tossing, tidying, and still? I seem to need so much more room than one little bag affords! The cupboard is a lot emptier, now that I have purged the excess. Although, I am inclined to admit that I still have a lot of excess!
I kept two groups of for summer, and one for winter. Winter calls for a darker lipstick, paler blush and powder, and for the dress up occasions, I even break out the eye shadow! In winter I use porcelain shades - come summer? I break into the ivory shades. I don't tan, I "PINK" so there is a colour shift, but not that dark bronze glow, that is for sure! Summer on the other hand, requires a peachy blush, a slightly darker powder and a bit of mascara. Lip gloss colours for all seasons range from a pearly pink to a classic red, plus a classic deep rich red mineral lipstick to use as a "foundation" when I really want to fuss. Then, of course, there is a the problem of different brands of the same type of product. REALLY???? As things get used up, I will repurchase the products that I like the most, and that should bring the inventory a down! For now? This is the best I could do.
The bonus to it all, is that the hanging toiletries bag fits into my suitcase perfectly, so I will just have to slip it into my case on top of everything else, and hang it up at our destination. I have a similar one to contain underwear, and that is really handy too. Since losing weight, I now only have the items that I use constantly, and they would all fit very nicely in the hanging whatzit that is currently hanging empty in my closet waiting to be used for travelling....hmmmm...maybe I should rethink my drawer organization and just keep my undies close at hand in the closet for one stop dressing?
Maybe another day, because right now? I have a bed full of stuff to toss or put away!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Cyber Monday

The problem is, with Celiac's disease, you can't even have a touch of gluten, and since most restaurants do not have designated deep fryers to prepare gluten free foods, I do not have the luxury of just slipping by a restaurant and pecking at an onion ring on a whim. They fry onion rings, chicken, fish, the whole shebang in one vat of oil. So? Now, when I have that super craving for something crispy and delish, I can make it myself. It will not replace my Greenpan or my broiler by any stretch of the imagination, but when those cravings hit? I am ready for them!
To test it out this morning, I made cubed breakfast potatoes to have with our omelet. They were fabulous. Really! Crunchy, and so much tastier than the low-fat Superfries that I usually buy. As soon as breakfast was over, I went to the freezer and dumped the bag of Superfries! They have a funny taste to them, compared to home made, and I really can't remember when I bought them last! They were languishing in the freezer taking up room that tasty food could occupy! They just don't taste good to me anymore. Homemade ones? Taste wonderful! While I was watching 'educational TV' the other day (The FOOD channel, to be exact!) Michael Smith explained the process of deep frying. He said very little oil gets into the food if you have the oil at the right temperature. When you see the bubbles running out of the food? That keeps the oil from running into it! And this little fryer maintains the oil at a perfect temperature. The little cubes were just a hoppin'! So, there you go. At long last, I had tasty breakfast potatoes, just like the other kids! So endeth my adventures in the kitchen on this wonderful Monday morning/afternoon!
The wind is whistling around the house tonight....
but here I sit, all toasty warm, bundled up in my fluffy housecoat and cozy nightie! I spent the better part of the night working on our 2012 budget, making lists and otherwise enjoying my private office time. Football is good for giving couples a little alone time, if nothing else!
I am going to keep record of all of our expenses in a little notebook this year . Doing it on the computer is not always as convenient as the tried and true method of having your life neatly written out in a little black book! As I looked back over my expenses, I was shocked to see how much I spent on cosmetics, compared to what I spend on clothing. Granted, it is a lot less than it used to be, but what I use in my real life is so simple,compared to what I buy to support my "fantasy life". (You know, the one where you put on the full face to go to the grocery store?) In reality, I routinely use powder, blush, mascara, eyebrow pencil and lip gloss. If I am really dressing up? Out comes the eye shadow and eye liner! Spurred on by my simplified wardrobe, my quest is now to reduce the number of toiletries in my possession. When the man goes to Toronto this week, I will do a grand purge of my stash.
Now here is a radical thought. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to fit all of my toiletries into one 'wash bag'? I read that term in a novel once, and it struck me as being rather quaint that a person should keep their toiletries in a single bag.
Now? I see it as enviable, and dare I say doable? Time will tell. Here is the bag I am thinking of using of many I have purchased over the years, in search of the "perfect" solution. Hmmm. It just may do the trick....
I am going to keep record of all of our expenses in a little notebook this year . Doing it on the computer is not always as convenient as the tried and true method of having your life neatly written out in a little black book! As I looked back over my expenses, I was shocked to see how much I spent on cosmetics, compared to what I spend on clothing. Granted, it is a lot less than it used to be, but what I use in my real life is so simple,compared to what I buy to support my "fantasy life". (You know, the one where you put on the full face to go to the grocery store?) In reality, I routinely use powder, blush, mascara, eyebrow pencil and lip gloss. If I am really dressing up? Out comes the eye shadow and eye liner! Spurred on by my simplified wardrobe, my quest is now to reduce the number of toiletries in my possession. When the man goes to Toronto this week, I will do a grand purge of my stash.
Now here is a radical thought. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to fit all of my toiletries into one 'wash bag'? I read that term in a novel once, and it struck me as being rather quaint that a person should keep their toiletries in a single bag.
Now? I see it as enviable, and dare I say doable? Time will tell. Here is the bag I am thinking of using of many I have purchased over the years, in search of the "perfect" solution. Hmmm. It just may do the trick....

Saturday, November 26, 2011
Colour Colour Colour! Winter Wardrobe 2011 - 2012
This morning, as I perused my closet, I realized that I had not bought everything in black! (with the exception of a coat...but even it has a snappy leopard collar and cuffs!) Bright green, stripes of all colours, soft blue, taupe, wait a minute...I did purchase one black mock neck T to wear under my cozy winter coat on those prairie winter days! And of course, the jeans were black, but really, coloured jeans have not been in for quite a while, have they? When all is said and done, the only thing I really have need of now, is a "statement bag". At my age? It has to say "HERE I AM! WHERE IS THE WASHROOM?".
Shopping on Black Friday and Living to Tell the Tale
The first, and most important thing, was that I did all of my shopping BEFORE the massive sales. I am quite content with what I found AND the prices I paid. The biggest bonus was not having to fight crowds, or stand in massive checkout lines because some marketing strategists wanted me to!
However, I am not made of stone. I did stop at three stores on the way home today...finally, after suffering through Catherine's and the Dress Barn, I went to good old Macy's. I found the jeans I liked, tried them on, and was told by the clerk that they were going off sale in two minutes! What???? I was ready to pay full price for them, but hey, you can't argue with a discount of more than 50% ! I toddled up to the cash immediately to pay for them. Incidentally, they fit like a glove and are a size smaller than my last pair. I am very fond of the "tummy tamer" jeans, and these just as comfy as my old pair, but a lot less droopy. LOL That was my only purchase this Black Friday. The two women's stores had nothing that interested me. Why do fat clothes have to be so ugly? The prints and styles are just too old for me...and I am 61!
I have become very fussy! I have so many items because I had the "grab anything while you can and never let it may never find another" mentality. It makes me shudder to think how much waste there was in my closet! I now look at the garment first, and the price tag second. Realizing that there will always be something out there for me to wear is a major life changer. I am pleased to tell you that I would have bought every item in my shopping bag at full price,because I loved it that much. Bonus to find them on sale, but it is a bigger bonus to know that every item works with a lot of other items I own. It hurts to dispose of "perfectly good clothing", BUT not as nearly as much as it hurts to have all that stuff hanging around, not being used, cluttering my life and my closet! Face it, if it were all that great? I would have worn it. I don't think I am the only one guilty of harbouring clothes well past their best before date. The trick is to only buy what you love, and that is PERFECT for your body, your personality and the life you lead.
However, I am not made of stone. I did stop at three stores on the way home today...finally, after suffering through Catherine's and the Dress Barn, I went to good old Macy's. I found the jeans I liked, tried them on, and was told by the clerk that they were going off sale in two minutes! What???? I was ready to pay full price for them, but hey, you can't argue with a discount of more than 50% ! I toddled up to the cash immediately to pay for them. Incidentally, they fit like a glove and are a size smaller than my last pair. I am very fond of the "tummy tamer" jeans, and these just as comfy as my old pair, but a lot less droopy. LOL That was my only purchase this Black Friday. The two women's stores had nothing that interested me. Why do fat clothes have to be so ugly? The prints and styles are just too old for me...and I am 61!
I have become very fussy! I have so many items because I had the "grab anything while you can and never let it may never find another" mentality. It makes me shudder to think how much waste there was in my closet! I now look at the garment first, and the price tag second. Realizing that there will always be something out there for me to wear is a major life changer. I am pleased to tell you that I would have bought every item in my shopping bag at full price,because I loved it that much. Bonus to find them on sale, but it is a bigger bonus to know that every item works with a lot of other items I own. It hurts to dispose of "perfectly good clothing", BUT not as nearly as much as it hurts to have all that stuff hanging around, not being used, cluttering my life and my closet! Face it, if it were all that great? I would have worn it. I don't think I am the only one guilty of harbouring clothes well past their best before date. The trick is to only buy what you love, and that is PERFECT for your body, your personality and the life you lead.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
And they say popcorn is a good snack....
Tasty, yes, but good for my teeth? NOT SO MUCH!
Last night while munching happily away on my favourite salty snack and watching Housewives of NY City, I chipped my back tooth. Off to the dentist this morning...braving snowy, icy road conditions to get my teeth cleaned and diagnosed.One crown required for the wounded tooth PLUS a filling replaced on the other side of my separate appointments required. They all have to take place before the end of the year, so as not to spoil our visit with Miss Giselle. There is no way I want to spend time at the dentist then! So, bookings are made, and I will get a patch job tomorrow at one, to see me through the wait with the insurance company.
Hopefully my other healthy food choices won't cause so much damage! It is good to have a menu plan in place...already, things have assumed a sense of normalcy that just wasn't here when we couldn't have cooking smells in the house! The man is improving a little each day, but we are still waiting on the results from the next CT scan to see if there needs to be surgery. In the meantime? We are enjoying our home, ourselves, and our friends.
If you would like to take a peek at the menu plan here it is. The formatting is a little off, but it will give you an idea of meals chez moi.
Last night while munching happily away on my favourite salty snack and watching Housewives of NY City, I chipped my back tooth. Off to the dentist this morning...braving snowy, icy road conditions to get my teeth cleaned and diagnosed.
Hopefully my other healthy food choices won't cause so much damage! It is good to have a menu plan in place...already, things have assumed a sense of normalcy that just wasn't here when we couldn't have cooking smells in the house! The man is improving a little each day, but we are still waiting on the results from the next CT scan to see if there needs to be surgery. In the meantime? We are enjoying our home, ourselves, and our friends.
If you would like to take a peek at the menu plan here it is. The formatting is a little off, but it will give you an idea of meals chez moi.
Chicken Breasts
Pork Tenderloin
Mashed Potatoes
Cream Corn
Chicken Soup
freeze a meal
Leek Soup
freeze a meal
Vegetable Soup
freeze a meal
Mashed Potatoes
Cream Corn
Chicken & Rice
Tuna Noodle Casserole
Mac & Cheese Whiz
White Cake with Coconut
Carrot Cake
From the Freezer:
freeze a meal
From the freezer:
Spaghetti Sauce
Meat Loaf
Mashed Potatoes
Cream Corn
Pickerel fillets
Crispy Oven Potatoes
Potatoes & Cottage Cheese
From the Freezer:
Cabbage Rolls
From the freezer:
Spaghetti Sauce
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Second thoughts....
led us to cancel the trip. It just didn't feel right, somehow. So, now we are planning on just staying home for the two weeks, resting, and hopefully doing a few tasks around the house before galavanting in our own hood.
The man is in Alberta this week. He is getting back on Thursday just in time to go to MCC, to get the results of the CT Scan he had on the 17th. Our hopes are high that all will be well, but you just never know. Perhaps that is why I am hesitant to make any holiday plans. So much can change in your life in such a short time.
Since I have been having trouble with my car battery, simply from lack of use, I am taking the long way to go anywhere these days, just to charge it up a bit. Today I went to Canadian Tire for a grand purchase of saran wrap, via the perimeter! I ended up at Extra foods at long last - the place I really wanted to go to begin with, but is it even a mile from my door? My driving habits have changed quite a bit since the new shopping centre was built just around the corner and down the street! |This frivolous use of gas and time was all in the name of healthy alternator usage! The good news is, that the groceries for the week consisted of a single white onion,, three shallots, a package of summer sausage and a squeeze bottle of mustard! I found some chicken thighs, as well, for the freezer. They were such nice plump white ones in a package of four...perfect for us in quantity and quality. Couldn't resist them!
I am determined to buy only small amounts as needed for the next few months, hopefully changing my way of shopping forever. It is so much easier to come home with a small shopping bag full of stuff to put away! After feeding the masses for years, it is no longer necessary to have large amounts of food on hand, in case the whim hits to entertain. To look after our own simple needs seems to be enough to keep us more than busy!The days of buying jugs of milk, and bags of several varieties of fruits are gibe. It simply is a time to keep it simple.
The man is in Alberta this week. He is getting back on Thursday just in time to go to MCC, to get the results of the CT Scan he had on the 17th. Our hopes are high that all will be well, but you just never know. Perhaps that is why I am hesitant to make any holiday plans. So much can change in your life in such a short time.
Since I have been having trouble with my car battery, simply from lack of use, I am taking the long way to go anywhere these days, just to charge it up a bit. Today I went to Canadian Tire for a grand purchase of saran wrap, via the perimeter! I ended up at Extra foods at long last - the place I really wanted to go to begin with, but is it even a mile from my door? My driving habits have changed quite a bit since the new shopping centre was built just around the corner and down the street! |This frivolous use of gas and time was all in the name of healthy alternator usage! The good news is, that the groceries for the week consisted of a single white onion,, three shallots, a package of summer sausage and a squeeze bottle of mustard! I found some chicken thighs, as well, for the freezer. They were such nice plump white ones in a package of four...perfect for us in quantity and quality. Couldn't resist them!
I am determined to buy only small amounts as needed for the next few months, hopefully changing my way of shopping forever. It is so much easier to come home with a small shopping bag full of stuff to put away! After feeding the masses for years, it is no longer necessary to have large amounts of food on hand, in case the whim hits to entertain. To look after our own simple needs seems to be enough to keep us more than busy!The days of buying jugs of milk, and bags of several varieties of fruits are gibe. It simply is a time to keep it simple.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
If you would have told me a month ago....
that we would be planning to vacation in Mexico this November, I would have told you that you were nuts! But here I am, tickets in hand for a delightful two weeks on Banderas Bay! Whooooot!
So, now the problem is, how in the world will we find shorts for the man? And will his trunks fall off in the water? What the heck. We can always hit Wally world when we get there, if all else fails. He has lost as much weight in the past few months as I have over the past eight years. But I didn't have to suffer as he did, so it is easy to forgive him!
This will give me the needed nudge to go through all of my clothing next week. I was planning on putting the summer things in a suitcase....who knew that I would actually take the suitcase to the airport? I have learned to travel very light over the last few years. The hotel that we will be staying at is conveniently located on a major street, with a laundromat right on the corner. There really isn't any shopping to speak of, and other than the obligatory bottle of tequila to buy at Wally world, I really don't see shopping fitting into the vacation. Now, the next one? Maybe!
So, now the problem is, how in the world will we find shorts for the man? And will his trunks fall off in the water? What the heck. We can always hit Wally world when we get there, if all else fails. He has lost as much weight in the past few months as I have over the past eight years. But I didn't have to suffer as he did, so it is easy to forgive him!
This will give me the needed nudge to go through all of my clothing next week. I was planning on putting the summer things in a suitcase....who knew that I would actually take the suitcase to the airport? I have learned to travel very light over the last few years. The hotel that we will be staying at is conveniently located on a major street, with a laundromat right on the corner. There really isn't any shopping to speak of, and other than the obligatory bottle of tequila to buy at Wally world, I really don't see shopping fitting into the vacation. Now, the next one? Maybe!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Menu plan for October 23 - 29
Comfort food: Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Cream corn
Comfort food: Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Cream corn
From the freezer:Chicken Soup***Pizza
Pork Chops *,Scalloped Potatoes, Salad
Stir Fry, Pork**, Vegtables, &, Rice
Baking day: Carrot Cake
Pasta with white sauce, Salad
Pickere, Boiled Potatoes, Mixed Veggie
"Eat The Pantry" and Wednesday - baking day
Following the new plan, the house is smelling pretty good this morning! It was Tea Cake Wednesday! With clotted cream and preserves, these are great, tea time or not!
Of course, as usual, there is an easy way to do things! Why I had to wait to be this age to figure these shortcuts out, is beyond me. But I digress. It is so much easier to buy a mix, bang it into the Kitchen Aid and let her rip! Today, to a basic Tea Biscuit mix, I added some glace fruit, to make them even more delish. Since gluten free recipes do not behave like standard flour recipes, it is really the most economical route, as one little mistake can set you back ten dollars or more, for one simple recipe. This way? A little less risk. They are cooling as we speak, waiting to be wrapped in multiple layers for the freezer.
I have also assembled the chicken divan, for our supper tonight. The menu gets a bit mixed up during the week, but generally, the recipes all get made, on one day or the other. Hubby is eating real food now, and he is down to one protein shake a day. I really want his appetite to come back - I never realized what a joy it was to have him to cook for all of these years. He is adding foods daily, although the amounts are a lot less than before. And is it ever showing on our food budget! There is a silver lining in every cloud, isn't there?
So, I have the lettuce all washed for the salad tonight - part of the "eat what you buy" plan of attack. If it is ready, and easily accessible, there is no reason for it to go to waste. As for salad dressing, I have one little bottle of thousand islands that I use when the calorie intake for my day is low, but usually, I mix a bit of olive oil with an acid of sorts and the results are much tastier than the store bought ones.
I have also managed to make another weeks menu plan out of the food that I have at hand, so perhaps I should refer to October as "Eat the Pantry" month, although I am sure I could easily make our stores last until well into November, with a few minor additions. That is a pretty good idea, so here it goes. Officially? It is now "Eat The Pantry" time!
Of course, as usual, there is an easy way to do things! Why I had to wait to be this age to figure these shortcuts out, is beyond me. But I digress. It is so much easier to buy a mix, bang it into the Kitchen Aid and let her rip! Today, to a basic Tea Biscuit mix, I added some glace fruit, to make them even more delish. Since gluten free recipes do not behave like standard flour recipes, it is really the most economical route, as one little mistake can set you back ten dollars or more, for one simple recipe. This way? A little less risk. They are cooling as we speak, waiting to be wrapped in multiple layers for the freezer.
I have also assembled the chicken divan, for our supper tonight. The menu gets a bit mixed up during the week, but generally, the recipes all get made, on one day or the other. Hubby is eating real food now, and he is down to one protein shake a day. I really want his appetite to come back - I never realized what a joy it was to have him to cook for all of these years. He is adding foods daily, although the amounts are a lot less than before. And is it ever showing on our food budget! There is a silver lining in every cloud, isn't there?
So, I have the lettuce all washed for the salad tonight - part of the "eat what you buy" plan of attack. If it is ready, and easily accessible, there is no reason for it to go to waste. As for salad dressing, I have one little bottle of thousand islands that I use when the calorie intake for my day is low, but usually, I mix a bit of olive oil with an acid of sorts and the results are much tastier than the store bought ones.
I have also managed to make another weeks menu plan out of the food that I have at hand, so perhaps I should refer to October as "Eat the Pantry" month, although I am sure I could easily make our stores last until well into November, with a few minor additions. That is a pretty good idea, so here it goes. Officially? It is now "Eat The Pantry" time!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
It is all going according to plan....
I finally finished the menu plan AND the grocery shopping for the week. We really do manage to keep our budget low when we eat at home. (The grand total for today, was 26.13. And I even bought a couple of steaks, a little extra treat for one day this week!) Since we are forced to eat out a lot when travelling, we both prefer simple fare at home. Today I made fresh tomato soup....if you have never done that? TRY IT because the flavour is out of this world. Simple recipe too. Took all of thirty minutes! A simple cup of soup to start our dinner. There is still enough for lunch tomorrow, too!
So, this weeks menu was and is:
Sunday: Roast chicken, potatoes, peas (leftovers become Chicken divan, and soup stock for next week)
Monday: Tomato soup, meatballs& rice
Tuesday: Steak and salad
Wednesday: Chicken Divan, side salad
Thursday: Macaroni, cauliflower with cheddar cheese bake with green salad
Friday: Cod, simple boiled potatoes and higgelty piggelty sauce
Saturday: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and creamed corn
I am going to try to bake something every Wednesday this winter. This week, I am going to make tea know, the ones with the little squares of fruit in them? The cost of gluten free stuff is horrendous, and not as good as homemade, either. So, a little planning and a little extra effort should prove to be a good thing. Last week I made banana nut muffins, and I still have eight of the little beauties left. To have a few things stashed away in the freezer is a lifesaver for the times when I really want something that remotely resembles the beauties at Tim's!
So, this weeks menu was and is:
Sunday: Roast chicken, potatoes, peas (leftovers become Chicken divan, and soup stock for next week)
Monday: Tomato soup, meatballs& rice
Tuesday: Steak and salad
Wednesday: Chicken Divan, side salad
Thursday: Macaroni, cauliflower with cheddar cheese bake with green salad
Friday: Cod, simple boiled potatoes and higgelty piggelty sauce
Saturday: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and creamed corn
I am going to try to bake something every Wednesday this winter. This week, I am going to make tea know, the ones with the little squares of fruit in them? The cost of gluten free stuff is horrendous, and not as good as homemade, either. So, a little planning and a little extra effort should prove to be a good thing. Last week I made banana nut muffins, and I still have eight of the little beauties left. To have a few things stashed away in the freezer is a lifesaver for the times when I really want something that remotely resembles the beauties at Tim's!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Sunday Evening
After our meeting, we were both at nine in the evening, I roasted a chicken, boiled some potatoes and heated up some sweetlet peas. With a pan gravy, we were in hog heaven. Rick actually ate almost 1/3 of a cup of potatoes, a chicken leg and thigh, and half a cup of peas. It sure makes me feel good to have him eating again. Of course, there isn't any salt in anything, but that is working wonders for me too, since all of a sudden, people are noticing that I have actually lost fifty pounds or so....fifty three to be exact. But it has taken a very long time. It seemed that the weight came off when I wasn't looking, because when I really, really try? NOTHING happens!
The fact of the matter is that we need a trip south to get some new clothes. Well, I do, anyway. Rick can buy up here so easily, since he has always been able to take off the rack clothes and make them look good! Me? Not so much. I have these monkey arms and legs, and a spider midsection. Makes for interesting shopping, that is for sure.
I am working on the menu plan for next week...should have been done by now, but that darn chicken took my desk time!
The fact of the matter is that we need a trip south to get some new clothes. Well, I do, anyway. Rick can buy up here so easily, since he has always been able to take off the rack clothes and make them look good! Me? Not so much. I have these monkey arms and legs, and a spider midsection. Makes for interesting shopping, that is for sure.
I am working on the menu plan for next week...should have been done by now, but that darn chicken took my desk time!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
A VERY successful day in the kitchen!
They do happen, every blue moon you know! First thing this morning, I made a batch of refrigerator pickles. These are sooooo good, and easy to make, too. I used those mini seedless cucumbers and they worked out so well. I also made them with Splenda, so there are virtually no calories in the whole batch...I have always considered cucumbers and peppers to be free foods, as the calories are not worth the math effort to count!
After a little break to watch TV, I made a batch of banana pecan gluten free muffins. I didn't forget them in the oven this time, so they came out lovely and moist. A little more TV. Then, seeing that the cucumber pickles had too much brine, I thought I would take some of it, and some of the onion and peppers, and add them to a can of mixed beans. Voila. Bean Salad. So, now the weekend salads are looked after. More TV.
Supper came along, and I was getting the grumblies, so I made the chicken parmigiana. WOW.It turned out really well! You would never know that it was gluten free. And what a pretty presentation, too. One chicken breast made at least three portions, so two are in the refrigerator, cooling. We can either eat them this weekend or freeze. I am banking on this weekend, since Rick is getting a little of his appetite back. He had a yogurt today. That is a major taste hurdle for him, as it is quite tart. But he is good at challenging his taste buds. The "sip of the protein shake, and a spoon of the yogurt" method worked a treat!
My week's worth of groceries that I bought last week, is going to stretch to payday! With the pantry items I have on hand, I could even stretch a little further if I am too lazy to shop this week!
After a little break to watch TV, I made a batch of banana pecan gluten free muffins. I didn't forget them in the oven this time, so they came out lovely and moist. A little more TV. Then, seeing that the cucumber pickles had too much brine, I thought I would take some of it, and some of the onion and peppers, and add them to a can of mixed beans. Voila. Bean Salad. So, now the weekend salads are looked after. More TV.
Supper came along, and I was getting the grumblies, so I made the chicken parmigiana. WOW.It turned out really well! You would never know that it was gluten free. And what a pretty presentation, too. One chicken breast made at least three portions, so two are in the refrigerator, cooling. We can either eat them this weekend or freeze. I am banking on this weekend, since Rick is getting a little of his appetite back. He had a yogurt today. That is a major taste hurdle for him, as it is quite tart. But he is good at challenging his taste buds. The "sip of the protein shake, and a spoon of the yogurt" method worked a treat!
My week's worth of groceries that I bought last week, is going to stretch to payday! With the pantry items I have on hand, I could even stretch a little further if I am too lazy to shop this week!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
This Weeks Revised Menu Plan
Sunday: Honey Ginger Chicken Thighs
Cream of Leek and Potato Soup (2 portions for freezer)
Meatballs and Rice (2 portions for freezer)
Chicken Parmigiana with Caesar Salad (1 portion for freezer)
Pasta with Tomato Sauce
Baked Sausage and Vegetables
Saturday: OPEN
I find that if I use small freezer bags to freeze leftovers, they fit so much better in the freezer! I have a Fridge Binz that holds the bags upright, just like file folders, so it makes finding something to quickly reheat a breeze.
Cream of Leek and Potato Soup (2 portions for freezer)
Meatballs and Rice (2 portions for freezer)
Chicken Parmigiana with Caesar Salad (1 portion for freezer)
Pasta with Tomato Sauce
Baked Sausage and Vegetables
Saturday: OPEN
I find that if I use small freezer bags to freeze leftovers, they fit so much better in the freezer! I have a Fridge Binz that holds the bags upright, just like file folders, so it makes finding something to quickly reheat a breeze.
Monday, October 10, 2011
A lazy weekend enjoyed by all....
is coming to an end. Hubby is off to Saskatoon for a conference tomorrow morning at 4, so I am planning a blitz on this house. It will be the first time we haven't been together in months, and separation anxiety is beginning to set in. He is leaving with instructions, so hopefully, he will be okay. Flying was the only option this time, as he is scheduled for a CT scan on Monday, and there just wasn't enough time to drive.
Today, he tried on his clothes. There is very little left in his closet, but to tell you the truth, it was a long time coming. He needs a few new things, but we aren't sure where his weight will level off. He is a shadow of his former self, to say the least. I have forced him to shop for pants, and for new pj's. It took monumental effort on his part to do that much, so I am pleased he managed.
When he comes home, we must go buy a suit, a sports coat, a thick wooly sweater and a pair of dress pants. It is enough to make you cry, to know that I just had every one of his suits dry cleaned, too! Ouch.
The fact is that men are so easy to dress! One shopping trip and it will all be over. I am going to haul out the bags (five green garbage bags at last count, heavy beggers!) of clothing and leave them at the curb for the diabetes collection, after I go through my clothes as well.
This shrinking business does have a downside. BUT the good news is that I still have a leather jacket that goes with everything I own! I doubt that I will ever go without one again. I layer it up when it is cold, and when it is just a bit chilly, it is good to throw over a t-shirt. I can even put it with a dress! Yep. Money well spent. And when this one gets too big? Another will be sought out.
The fact is that a wardrobe with ten essential pieces is more than enough for anyone, so why do we insist on cramming as many garments as we can into our closets? I have a problem with discarding the old when I bring something new in...I am not sure that I will love the new piece, and regret tossing the old, so I stash it in the closet. And there it stays. For months. Ideally? I think everything you need for a season should fit in a carry on bag. And as I shrink, so will my wardrobe!
Today, he tried on his clothes. There is very little left in his closet, but to tell you the truth, it was a long time coming. He needs a few new things, but we aren't sure where his weight will level off. He is a shadow of his former self, to say the least. I have forced him to shop for pants, and for new pj's. It took monumental effort on his part to do that much, so I am pleased he managed.
When he comes home, we must go buy a suit, a sports coat, a thick wooly sweater and a pair of dress pants. It is enough to make you cry, to know that I just had every one of his suits dry cleaned, too! Ouch.
The fact is that men are so easy to dress! One shopping trip and it will all be over. I am going to haul out the bags (five green garbage bags at last count, heavy beggers!) of clothing and leave them at the curb for the diabetes collection, after I go through my clothes as well.
This shrinking business does have a downside. BUT the good news is that I still have a leather jacket that goes with everything I own! I doubt that I will ever go without one again. I layer it up when it is cold, and when it is just a bit chilly, it is good to throw over a t-shirt. I can even put it with a dress! Yep. Money well spent. And when this one gets too big? Another will be sought out.
The fact is that a wardrobe with ten essential pieces is more than enough for anyone, so why do we insist on cramming as many garments as we can into our closets? I have a problem with discarding the old when I bring something new in...I am not sure that I will love the new piece, and regret tossing the old, so I stash it in the closet. And there it stays. For months. Ideally? I think everything you need for a season should fit in a carry on bag. And as I shrink, so will my wardrobe!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Busy day at our house. Our fence blew down in the wind yesterday. Oh joy. Another expense.
While Rick discussed the situation with our wonderful neighbours behind us, I cleaned the kitchen and made butternut squash soup....with curry, ginger, chili and was a hit, and served with a good bit of whipping cream, made the man VERY happy.
We did a bit of shopping. What a nightmare. Forgot it was Thanksgiving weekend and no one in the city had food, so they were buying it all at Costco today. We not only went to one Costco - found two pairs of sleep pants and for T-shirts for his new skinny body, but went on to another to find a sweater/jacket thingy that will be perfect for this type of weather.
Had to stop at Shopper's to take advantage of the 20X the points offer....I am a points junky! And it was such an easy way to bank some extra points for my next big splurge day. Anyway, by that time, he was really tired out, so after a quick stop to buy a couple of things at Extra foods, I surprised him with a pumpkin pie! He loved it, and managed to eat one whole piece! So, just as I was eyeing the remainder and praying for pie eating visitors to put me out of my misery, two showed up! Pie is now gone, as is my temptation! It was nice to have nice cheery visitors after this house has been so empty for so long.
And that is the news for today.
While Rick discussed the situation with our wonderful neighbours behind us, I cleaned the kitchen and made butternut squash soup....with curry, ginger, chili and was a hit, and served with a good bit of whipping cream, made the man VERY happy.
We did a bit of shopping. What a nightmare. Forgot it was Thanksgiving weekend and no one in the city had food, so they were buying it all at Costco today. We not only went to one Costco - found two pairs of sleep pants and for T-shirts for his new skinny body, but went on to another to find a sweater/jacket thingy that will be perfect for this type of weather.
Had to stop at Shopper's to take advantage of the 20X the points offer....I am a points junky! And it was such an easy way to bank some extra points for my next big splurge day. Anyway, by that time, he was really tired out, so after a quick stop to buy a couple of things at Extra foods, I surprised him with a pumpkin pie! He loved it, and managed to eat one whole piece! So, just as I was eyeing the remainder and praying for pie eating visitors to put me out of my misery, two showed up! Pie is now gone, as is my temptation! It was nice to have nice cheery visitors after this house has been so empty for so long.
And that is the news for today.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Thursday's gone....
First thing this morning, I made a batch of bison cabbage rolls. Since the menu plan went the way of all good intentions, I was left with half a pound of bison after last night's meatball recipe. So, as well as mixing in some rice, I added some green and red peppers, onion and celery into fine dice (gotta love that Nicer Dicer!) and stretched that meat to make a head of savoy cabbage into cabbage rolls! Surprisingly, hubby was able to put away a whole one, to spite the tomatoes. Things are looking up! So, now my totally overfilled refrigerator has to accommodate one more dish. Supper tonight was a pork loin chop ( 1" thick, and more than enough for the two of us) hash browns and creamed corn. Hubby had leftover mashed potatoes from last night, as he still favours soft foods over crispy brown ones! Goody. More for me! I do love home made hash browns! It boggles my mind why anyone would buy the frozen ones when they are so good if you make them from horror of horrors, a real potato or two!
So, that was my exciting day. My To Do list is growing longer and longer, but I felt a bit under the weather today, and just wanted to stick to the basics and hunker down at home. The weather has been unusually hot for this time of year, and maybe that is throwing me off my game. I should have known better than to put on our winter bedding! Just like washing my car brings on the rain, a fluffy quilt brings on an Indian summer.
Ah well. I don't know what will happen tomorrow!
So, that was my exciting day. My To Do list is growing longer and longer, but I felt a bit under the weather today, and just wanted to stick to the basics and hunker down at home. The weather has been unusually hot for this time of year, and maybe that is throwing me off my game. I should have known better than to put on our winter bedding! Just like washing my car brings on the rain, a fluffy quilt brings on an Indian summer.
Ah well. I don't know what will happen tomorrow!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Winter Bedding
The big change over came today. I know we are having a bit of a "heat wave" at the moment, but strike when the mood hits, is my philosophy! So, our bed is made with a nice puffy quilt. At the moment, it is a bit damp from the heavy spray of water it had to remove wrinkles, but in an hour or so, I will put out the pillows and put on the finishing touches! If only I could get moving on the clothing issues in this house. Rick's clothes are all to big. Mine are all mixed up. Winter, summer, some fit, some are too big, some are too ugly. I have no idea where it all comes from, but I am inundated with garments that no longer fit, or have lost their appeal. Maybe I should just get rid of things one by one as they frustrate me? Then it won't be quite so traumatizing! But it will be slow going, that is a fact!
My menu plan isn't going to work. Too many things the man can not handle, but not to worry. I will take the same ingredients and make them "wet" enough for his tender throat. So, tonight? The baked cod becomes cod with "higgelty piggelty" sauce...a tastey reminder of our trip to Germany. Ahhhh the land of gorgeous fish and potato dishes! Simply put, it is heavy cream with a touch of curry, and a few mixed vegetables. Served over the baked fish, with potatoes, it is a simply delightful dish. Same ingredients, just a different prep method. I was getting too complicated with this menu business, so it was bound to fail! As for the Waldorf salad? I will still try that recipe, because it intrigues me. And dessert? Fruit salad will never go to waste in this house! I will make enough for tomorrow's supper as well as lunch tomorrow.
So, the new menu for today is:
My menu plan isn't going to work. Too many things the man can not handle, but not to worry. I will take the same ingredients and make them "wet" enough for his tender throat. So, tonight? The baked cod becomes cod with "higgelty piggelty" sauce...a tastey reminder of our trip to Germany. Ahhhh the land of gorgeous fish and potato dishes! Simply put, it is heavy cream with a touch of curry, and a few mixed vegetables. Served over the baked fish, with potatoes, it is a simply delightful dish. Same ingredients, just a different prep method. I was getting too complicated with this menu business, so it was bound to fail! As for the Waldorf salad? I will still try that recipe, because it intrigues me. And dessert? Fruit salad will never go to waste in this house! I will make enough for tomorrow's supper as well as lunch tomorrow.
So, the new menu for today is:
- Waldorf salad
- Fish in Higgelty Piggelty sauce
- Steamed Potatoes
- Fruit salad for dessert. Yes! DESSERT!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Tuesday - Grocery Shopping Day
Three stores and more money than I had planned to spend! A grand total of $114.21, but for the amount of time I spent doing it, I was sure I would have cracked the $1000 mark! I had a menu plan, complete with recipes and shopping list, but it is pretty difficult to buy half a stalk of celery. As a result, the total was much higher than it needed to be, with food enough to last two weeks at least. I am thinking ten pounds of potatoes was a little excessive, but now that hubby can eat a little again, it is opening up a big can of kitchen time!
Speaking of which, the total was affected by two pairs of pants that jumped into the cart at Costco so I guess the dollar drain wasn't as bad as I think it was! And of course, the box of protein shakes to supplement hubby's meals added to the total, and that really isn't food per se. I did buy one exotic ingredient...celeriac to use in a Waldorf salad. Should prove interesting! (I also picked up a matching binder to use for menu plans and recipes. Hmmm.....I am beginning to see my grocery bill wasn't as steep as I originally thought!)
The menu plan for this week, from SOS Cuisine, using local ingredients:
Haddock with Almonds and Ginger Squash Purée (make ahead)
Winter Fruit Salad
Spinach and Mushroom Salad
Basil-flavoured Chicken and Pepper Stir-Fry and Steamed Basmati Rice
Winter Fruit Salad (repeated)
Cream of Potato Soup "Parmentier" (make ahead)
Mixed Legume Salad
Baked Apples (make ahead)
Warm Cauliflower Salad
Pasta in a Bolognese Meat Sauce
Baked Apples (repeated)
Cream of Potato Soup "Parmentier" (repeated)
Tuna and Cabbage Salad
Ice Cream with Cranberry Sauce
Speaking of which, the total was affected by two pairs of pants that jumped into the cart at Costco so I guess the dollar drain wasn't as bad as I think it was! And of course, the box of protein shakes to supplement hubby's meals added to the total, and that really isn't food per se. I did buy one exotic ingredient...celeriac to use in a Waldorf salad. Should prove interesting! (I also picked up a matching binder to use for menu plans and recipes. Hmmm.....I am beginning to see my grocery bill wasn't as steep as I originally thought!)
The menu plan for this week, from SOS Cuisine, using local ingredients:
- Waldorf Salad 2 servings
- Preparation 15 min / Standing 10 min
- 160 calories per serving
- Waldorf Salad
- Ingredients
- 1 1/2 cup celeriac, shredded 200 g
- 1 apples, cut into thin slices 180 g
- 1/4 green peppers, finely diced 40 g
- 1/2 Boston lettuce, or curly leaf 100 g
- 4 tsp mayonnaise 20 mL
- 1 tbsp yogurt, plain, 2% 16 g
- 1 tbsp lemon juice, freshly squeezed 1/2 lemon
- 2 tbsp walnuts [optional] 12 g
- salt to taste
- ground pepper to taste
- Method
- 1. Cut the apples into thin slices, without peeling them, but eliminating the core. Place
- them on the serving plate. Clean the lettuce and place it on the serving plate, leaving
- the centre for the celeriac.
- 2. Peel and shred the celeriac, then put it in a bowl and sprinkle with the lemon juice to
- avoid darkening. Add a pinch of salt. Finely dice the bell pepper and add it to the
- celeriac.
- 3. In a small bowl, mix the mayonnaise with the yogurt. Pour it over the celeriac and toss
- well. Adjust the seasoning then transfer to the centre of the serving plate.2 servings
- Preparation 10 min / Cooking 10 min
- 270 calories per serving
- 4. If desired, garnish with walnuts(*). Let rest 10 min to allow the flavours to blend, then
- serve
Haddock with Almonds and Ginger Squash Purée (make ahead)
Winter Fruit Salad
Spinach and Mushroom Salad
Basil-flavoured Chicken and Pepper Stir-Fry and Steamed Basmati Rice
Winter Fruit Salad (repeated)
Cream of Potato Soup "Parmentier" (make ahead)
Mixed Legume Salad
Baked Apples (make ahead)
Warm Cauliflower Salad
Pasta in a Bolognese Meat Sauce
Baked Apples (repeated)
Cream of Potato Soup "Parmentier" (repeated)
Tuna and Cabbage Salad
Ice Cream with Cranberry Sauce
Every day that passes.....
seems to get me into more of a mess. I did manage to tackle the washing and ironing today, and toss out a few of the man's more "used and ugly" clothes. My closet, however, remains the bane of my existence. There are too many things in my closet, in my cupboards, and in my house in general. Where does it all come from? Why is there so much after I have so diligently given and tossed? I think my tolerance for junk is becoming smaller with every purge!
As I seek the perfect method for getting rid of junk, I seem to miss the most obvious course of action. Toss it and get on with life!
Eventually? I would like to have a closet like my sister's. They downsized from a large home to an apartment. She has a couple of feet of hanging space for her duds in her bedroom, and more than her share of hall closet. The woman is a leather jacket junkie , and has quite the collection. She wears simple clothes, but always has that third layer to add snap and pizazz. But I digress. I have far too much and wear far too little of it. Once and for all, I need to have a good clear out to start the season off right. The weather this week is unusually warm for this time of year, so I have been given a bit more time to get ready for winter!
As I seek the perfect method for getting rid of junk, I seem to miss the most obvious course of action. Toss it and get on with life!
Eventually? I would like to have a closet like my sister's. They downsized from a large home to an apartment. She has a couple of feet of hanging space for her duds in her bedroom, and more than her share of hall closet. The woman is a leather jacket junkie , and has quite the collection. She wears simple clothes, but always has that third layer to add snap and pizazz. But I digress. I have far too much and wear far too little of it. Once and for all, I need to have a good clear out to start the season off right. The weather this week is unusually warm for this time of year, so I have been given a bit more time to get ready for winter!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Pants Shopping and Other Trials
Saturday we braved the crowds, and went shopping for new pants for the man. He tires so easily now, but with the two of us on the job, we managed! He found new jeans, black and indigo, and some twill pants in black. With the shirts he has in his closet, he will be able to manage until we figure out where his weight will land. He is feeling a little better now, so he is out for a walk. I wonder if he wore his new pants?
As for me? I tried on my winter pants to check the length. It is all good. The waistbands are tight, so that gives me a little incentive to hold back at the table a little! LOL As for the bigger things, out they go. I am fed up with trying on six outfits before venturing out. Fact is? I usually pick a couple of things to wear, and wear them shamelessly! Even my nighties need weeding out! The same ones are always in the wash, so why keep the rest? Ah, the miseries of clothing!
As for me? I tried on my winter pants to check the length. It is all good. The waistbands are tight, so that gives me a little incentive to hold back at the table a little! LOL As for the bigger things, out they go. I am fed up with trying on six outfits before venturing out. Fact is? I usually pick a couple of things to wear, and wear them shamelessly! Even my nighties need weeding out! The same ones are always in the wash, so why keep the rest? Ah, the miseries of clothing!
Friday, September 30, 2011
My Pathetic Grocery Cart
Since Rick has not been able to tie on a feedbag, my grocery cart is pathetic. Small. Pitiful. Near empty. Today, I didn't even have to put a thing in the main section, relying on the kiddie seat to hold all of my purchases. It occurred to me when I got home, that if a person were to just write down the portions required per week, per person, and bought accordingly, counting calories wouldn't be necessary. You could just eat your share of everything in the house, and not go back to the store until your next scheduled shopping day! Hmmmm....something to think about.
Today, I bought
Today, I bought
- a bagged salad for two
- three individual servings of yogurt
- two tomatoes
- two bananas
- two sausage coils - 10 servings in total (90 calories each)
- small piece of old cheddar - that ought to be good for a couple weeks at least
- six pack of individual Taster's Choice...brewed coffee is not a good thing for one person. Too much fuss and waste.
- frozen mixed veggies
- frozen peas
- one large white onion
- 12 pack of Fresca
With everything I have in the pantry, this should be good for at least a week.
Yesterday, I went to the food section of Wal-mart, and bought sandwich meat in a perfect pack for one. There was enough ham, salami and pepperoni to do two sandwiches and add to my frozen gluten free cheese pizza during the coming week. A quick stop at Gimli Fish for a pound of pickerel, provided one meal that night, and one to cook this coming week. Rick tolerates fish well, and I love it, so fish will be more frequently seen on our table in the coming weeks, until he is able to tolerate the smell and texture of dryer meats, such as pork, beef, and chicken.
Buying just what you need is an interesting concept. I could never go "European" and shop every would be easy if there were corner shops rather than supermarkets, I am sure, but fighting the crowds to buy meat for supper isn't something I look forward to! Once a week at the store is more than enough for me! I have always kept a well stocked pantry. The only time we 'ate it down' was during a period of unemployment that lasted a year and a half. I still have rather an extensive stock of frozen hamburger, chicken, pork tenderloins, canned tuna and salmon, beans, corn, tomatoes, pickles, pasta, chicken stock, green beans and V8 juice, but I am letting it slide. (Just think of all that shelf space I will have for my extra dishes!) Now that Rick is not consuming a lot of food, it really is quite pointless to keep it up. The bonus is that shopping is not an ordeal anymore. I no longer check prices, or try to figure out the best size to buy. I shamelessly shop at Safeway, buy the smallest size available, and rather enjoy the whole process. More than once I have added a bunch of flowers to the cart, counting it as produce!
Yesterday, I went to the food section of Wal-mart, and bought sandwich meat in a perfect pack for one. There was enough ham, salami and pepperoni to do two sandwiches and add to my frozen gluten free cheese pizza during the coming week. A quick stop at Gimli Fish for a pound of pickerel, provided one meal that night, and one to cook this coming week. Rick tolerates fish well, and I love it, so fish will be more frequently seen on our table in the coming weeks, until he is able to tolerate the smell and texture of dryer meats, such as pork, beef, and chicken.
Buying just what you need is an interesting concept. I could never go "European" and shop every would be easy if there were corner shops rather than supermarkets, I am sure, but fighting the crowds to buy meat for supper isn't something I look forward to! Once a week at the store is more than enough for me! I have always kept a well stocked pantry. The only time we 'ate it down' was during a period of unemployment that lasted a year and a half. I still have rather an extensive stock of frozen hamburger, chicken, pork tenderloins, canned tuna and salmon, beans, corn, tomatoes, pickles, pasta, chicken stock, green beans and V8 juice, but I am letting it slide. (Just think of all that shelf space I will have for my extra dishes!) Now that Rick is not consuming a lot of food, it really is quite pointless to keep it up. The bonus is that shopping is not an ordeal anymore. I no longer check prices, or try to figure out the best size to buy. I shamelessly shop at Safeway, buy the smallest size available, and rather enjoy the whole process. More than once I have added a bunch of flowers to the cart, counting it as produce!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
My Mission for the Day
Is to completely clear out our refrigerator. We have not been consuming the food we have been buying, so there is a lot of old produce lurking in the bins. Out they go, and shopping will be done tomorrow to replace the bare necessities. Nothing is more pointless than eating old lettuce!
On the organizing front, I purchased four "FRIG BINZ" from Costco a while back, and are they ever good. There were two sizes in the package - shown above as the top and middle- one is perfect for Rick's puddings, and one is perfect for 2 1/2 dozen eggs. (Speaking of which, I have lost my taste for eggs. Really find them nauseating now. I think it is because we have only had them poached for the last two months. ICK.) The other two vary in their uses according to need. I also found some professional quality storage containers that are great for containing salad fixings. All I have to do is pull out the container and mix away. So, with all of them empty, I guess it is time to go shopping!
My grocery list is fairly simple these days. Milk. Butter. Bag of salad or head of lettuce. Couple of tomatoes and some spring onions. Apples. Oranges. Grapes. Bananas. Nature's fast foods! Of course, chips and chocolate bars, the ultimate meal replacement items. No smell, no clean up...the perfect foods for caregivers! My pantry is full though, from more active kitchen days. The supply of nuts, gluten free pastas, tinned fish, etc. is good for another flood. I do run out of coffee every couple of months, so I was thinking of buying some instant until the man is back on coffee detail.
Amazingly enough, my weight has dropped, so all that hype about junk food being fattening? I DON'T THINK SO! It is just boring, easy, and to tell you the truth? Not all that appetizing. When the joy goes out of eating, it is not a pleasant thing. But, there is a silver lining. My frig will be shining and contain nothing but an echo at the end of a busy afternoon!
Perch ALMOST Meunière
I discovered a little while ago, that you can use cornstarch to dredge things in before frying them in butter. It actually gives a crispier crust with much less effort, truth be told. Today, I bought a few fillets of perch from Gimli Fish Market, and wow. Was it ever good. Simple to do, and sooooo flavourful when prepared so simply.
I baked a fillet with full fat cream and tiny sweet peas and onions for the hubby. He ate the whole thing. Took him two sittings, but he did it. This was the first meal he has had in months, and the beginning of some serious healing! It didn't taste great to him, but he was able to 'choke it down'....some compliment to the chef, right?
I baked a fillet with full fat cream and tiny sweet peas and onions for the hubby. He ate the whole thing. Took him two sittings, but he did it. This was the first meal he has had in months, and the beginning of some serious healing! It didn't taste great to him, but he was able to 'choke it down'....some compliment to the chef, right?
Monday, September 26, 2011
At last!
Some semblance of food for the man! I cooked a little bit of gluten free pasta - little tiny rings. They slid down really well! As for flavours? I tried sugar and cinnamon, cream and parm cheese plus I added an egg to a 1/4 cup of the pasta and scrambled them together. This was the closest he has come to eating in weeks. He managed to put away the egg and pasta, plus the pasta with sugar and cinnamon. Of course, all of the pasta was drowned in butter. What a difference it makes to try to add calories, rather than reduce them!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Almost two months...
later. Rick is through his chemo and radiation, but he isn't able to eat. Not a mechanical problem as such, but the tastebuds and saliva glands took a kicking. He is existing on protein shakes, eggs, cream, tofu pudding and home made tapioca pudding. Tiny amounts at that. As you might know, this man was made to consume food with gusto, and this is killin' him!
On the other hand, the effects of the chemo are subsiding and the burns are on their way to healing. He can not stand the smell of food, so you can imagine that it is just a tad difficult to live in the same house and eat. So I don't. His sense of smell is very keen these days, and even going out to a grocery store is out of the question. It is a hard time of life. Possibly harder than the plane crash, or the double knee replacement. At least then he could still take comfort from chocolate! He is losing a lot of weight quickly, and we will have to go on a shopping spree as soon as he is able. There has to be a silver lining, right?
On the other hand, the effects of the chemo are subsiding and the burns are on their way to healing. He can not stand the smell of food, so you can imagine that it is just a tad difficult to live in the same house and eat. So I don't. His sense of smell is very keen these days, and even going out to a grocery store is out of the question. It is a hard time of life. Possibly harder than the plane crash, or the double knee replacement. At least then he could still take comfort from chocolate! He is losing a lot of weight quickly, and we will have to go on a shopping spree as soon as he is able. There has to be a silver lining, right?
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Missing in action....
This cancer thing is really time consuming, if nothing else.
Hubby's first chemo was last Monday and it was a relief to finally get started on the treatment. His treatments will really influence our food choices for the next few months. Basically, I have been spoiling him night and day, building him up for the onslaught to come. He has a good healthy appetite by nature, and isn't fussy, so it is easy to pack him full of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and protein that his body will require to fight the fine fight. He is resting more since his treatment on Monday, although he still stubbornly went out and cut the grass midday in bright sun. DUH.
As the radiation treatments continue, they have warned us that his ability to swallow will be impaired as will be his sense of smell and taste. So, I will have to be quite creative in providing enough nutrients in small packages via the blender and food processor. It really helps that he isn't fussy at all, and loves milkshakes! You can hide all sorts of things in a bit of milk and ice!
A result of my treating him, has been a bit too much sampling by me. I plan to regain my loss over the remains of the summer, but this stress thing is very powerful. Hope springs eternal.
Hubby's first chemo was last Monday and it was a relief to finally get started on the treatment. His treatments will really influence our food choices for the next few months. Basically, I have been spoiling him night and day, building him up for the onslaught to come. He has a good healthy appetite by nature, and isn't fussy, so it is easy to pack him full of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and protein that his body will require to fight the fine fight. He is resting more since his treatment on Monday, although he still stubbornly went out and cut the grass midday in bright sun. DUH.
As the radiation treatments continue, they have warned us that his ability to swallow will be impaired as will be his sense of smell and taste. So, I will have to be quite creative in providing enough nutrients in small packages via the blender and food processor. It really helps that he isn't fussy at all, and loves milkshakes! You can hide all sorts of things in a bit of milk and ice!
A result of my treating him, has been a bit too much sampling by me. I plan to regain my loss over the remains of the summer, but this stress thing is very powerful. Hope springs eternal.
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