So, now comes the part where I have to unpack and find room for all my loot. I literally shopped till l I dropped - all my money, that is! I can not tell you how happy I am with all the goodies I found. This must be what my friend talks about when she engages in 'retail therapy'! What a rush!
I was very picky, and didn't buy a thing that didn't fit the bill so to speak...each item had to be comfy, look good, no, make that look there are more choices out there for me now. I actually put things back that looked "nice". I do not like that 'Ladies' who Bingo' look.... and a lot of stuff is just too old for me! LOL Isn't that a hoot? If I haven't entered my second childhood, I will soon. There are some that would say I never left the first one, but to ME, it feels like I did. All that responsibility...shudder....Anyway, it feels quite freeing, actually. I never did like old people much anyway, and I sure don't want to emulate their style of dress.
The most important thing I bought, from my list, was a white shirt. One of the ten essential items on Tim Gunn's list. Finally! It is a long "boyfriend" shirt. I have been looking for one for ages. This one is thick enough, long enough, and comfy stretch to boot. The only thing I am missing from that list, is a cashmere sweater set and a good black blazer. That is really hard to find in plus sizes. One of these days I will find them both. The other stuff will come and go, but the stuff on this core list will last forever, I am sure.
Anyway, I ended up with four pairs of jeans, two hoodies, three long sleeved t-shirts, three 'weekend' tunics - I have no idea what that means but they are long, and V-necked with 3/4 length sleeves, three turtlenecks , a puffy quilted vest, two pairs of black leggings (one Capri length and one longer pair) two tanks, 2 more bras and undies (that fit - no more droopy drawers for this gramma!), bulkier red cable sweater and six pairs of socks! Winter casual things with the exception of that pair of sandals!
AND now? The bags! One is a big, red Italian shiny leather 'Francesco Biasia' tote

and one is a little 'Jessica Simpson' clutch. The one I love the most though, is a smaller, shiny black patent 'Melani' crocodile patterned clutch (soooo classy for evening, and literally feels like butter). And one more 'Melani' that is a larger black leather, clutch. ALL were seventy percent off!

I also found one designer silk scarf for half price, with big red poppies on a black background, and a narrow border of leopard print around the edge. Just enough to lighten it up a bit. I found so many things in "my" red it made my head swim! LOVED them all! And all of the stuff kinda coordinates, too, which always makes me feel more pulled together, even if I am not wearing it all at once, it is nice that it coordinates in the closet. Yes, I have a problem - OCD but in a good way. I even found a straw hat that looks not totally ridiculous on me!
I was just so sick and tired of only having one or two outfits to wear for everyday. I think I managed to fix that - now I will have to go out every day, and come home and change half way through just to wear it all! That won't be for awhile though, because I have to stay home and toss out some old stuff to make room to hang up the new, then press it all and hang it up to admire!
Rick found some excellent buys too, so it wasn't all about me!
It is so exciting to be able to shop almost like a 'normal' person that I had to share all the gory details. Now if I can only work up the enthusiasm to unpack it all!